Research Projects

Ongoing Projects

Fabrication of polymer based materials for thermoelectric applications

Fabrication of polymer based materials for thermoelectric applications

Tailoring tantalum nitrides and oxynitrides and designing electrocatalytic devices for green energy

Tailoring tantalum nitrides and oxynitrides and designing electrocatalytic devices for green energy

Understanding the phase stability of oxides in the context of fine tuning their functional properties including role of plasmonic properties of nitrides

Understanding the phase stability of oxides in the context of fine tuning their functional properties including role of plasmonic properties of nitrides

Polymer derived High Temperature Resistant Coatings for Space Applications

Polymer derived High Temperature Resistant Coatings for Space Applications

Completed Projects

Development of prototype ceria based water splitter to generate hydrogen using concentrated solar energy

Development of prototype ceria based water splitter to generate hydrogen using concentrated solar energy

Development of single source preceramic polymer for high temperature applications

Development of single source preceramic polymer for high temperature applications

Development and characterisation of novel materials for capacitor based energy storage devices

Development and characterisation of novel materials for capacitor based energy storage devices

Synthesis of photocatalytic porous silicon containing nitride and oxynitride nanocomposite

Synthesis of photocatalytic porous silicon containing nitride and oxynitride nanocomposite